Once you experience the waitlessness of flying JSX, you realize just how archaic, process-laden and inhumane commercial flying has become. It’s always rewarding to work with a challenger brand to bring a truly differentiated offering to life—finally an air travel experience that respects your time and treats you with humanity. In addition to brand identity refinements and livery design, we created a campaign to drive home the promise of ease and time savings. We wrapped it all up with a simple yet profound prompt: Hop on. The campaign resulted in a 29% increase in total customers, a 20% increase in new customers and a 31% lower cost per acquisition.

Video Director: Anton Visser / Editorial: Cut and Run / Writer: Clemence Pluche / AD: Mike Butler / Designers: Adriana Del Mar, Iriko Gunabe / ECD: Mike Mckay / Executive Producer: Jennifer Suttlemyre / Production: Supply and Demand / CG/VFX: Dennis Wilkins Code Collective / Print Photographer: Genevieve Caron